Sunday, 20 May 2018

White Walls & Inhibition 'Traumata' C-40

(sic 105) White Walls & Inhibition Traumata split C-40 is now available.

The UK's Keith Mitchell has been not-so-quietly exploring the recesses of medical trauma and clandestine experimentation through a constantly shifting interaction of power electronics, noise and death industrial released largely on his own Reverse Records label.

This cassette finds two of Keith's projects taking a side for a single extended piece: grainy lab experiments, Schimpfluch-inspired bump-in-the-night, shadowy synth invocations, and fissures of troubled dialogue, all smeared heavily in horror movie know how.

Edition of 50 copies in layered handmade packaging comprising a slipcase, nitrile glove and lacey garter.

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